One Price

Multiple Service Locations

$104 per visit

45min-1 hour appointments in-person. 30-6O minute online appointments. Each visit $104.

The power to choose how services are delivered to your child.

  • Online.

    No wasted driving time. No missed therapy due to weather. Maybe you live in a remote location of Utah where speech services are scarce. Using telehealth, we can provide access when in-person services are not available.

  • In-Home Visits.

    We come to you.

  • Mix it up.

    Busy plans, scheduled appointments, sickness. We offer the convenience of easily switching to online services in the event of circumstances or for personal preference.


Learn about our evaluations.

Prices includes time spent testing, scoring the test, analyzing the results, writing a plan-of-care, and creating individualized goals for your child.

  • A speech & language evaluation will assess your child’s speech sound development and their ability to use and understand language. These tests are standardized and compares your child's skills to others who are the same age.

  • Has your child had a recent speech and language evaluation within the past 6-8 months? If yes, only an informal evaluation is needed before services.

    An informal evaluation assesses additional communication skills not included in a screener (observation, interview, tasks); however, does not use standardized results to compare with same-aged peers