Babies & Toddlers Learn Best From Their Parents.


With a family-centered approach, parents learn how to use skilled-strategies to support their infant &/or toddler at home.

 How Can We Help?

Back & Forth Interactions (joint attention)

Babbling Development

Early Pronunciation of Speech Sounds (M, P, B, W, D, H)

First Words—-Sign Language & Picture Communication

Following Directions/Copying Actions of Others

Word Combinations (more milk, daddy up)

Play Skills (pretend play)

Using Routines to Enhance Skills (bath time, putting shoes on, diaper changes)

Using Play to Enhance Skills (balls, bubbles, blocks)

Listening & Supporting Parents—Authenticity

Empowering Parents to Use Skilled Strategies with Confidence (following child’s leads, waiting, etc.)


“YOU are an important member of this team. You are the most knowledgeable person about your child, your family, and what you want to see happen to help your child learn and grow.”

Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA)