How Can I Help My Preschooler Communicate?

We Create a Home-Plan Together, Giving You The Confidence To Support Your Independent Preschooler at Home

How we can help…

 Teaching YOU How to Support Your Child is Our Top Priority

Improving Your Child’s Ability to Answer Questions

Improving Errors With Pronunciation (speech sounds)

Transitioning from Jargon/babble speech to words/phrases

Reduce Frustration & Behaviors

How to Use Picture Communication to Give Your Child a Voice

Following Directions

Using Routines & Play-Based Activities to Improve Skills

Creating Positive/Fun Experiences to Support Communication

Expanding Sentences to Two, Three, and Four + Words

Improving Word Order & Grammar in Sentences

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“With instruction, parents can successfully learn to implement language support strategies, which has a subsequent positive association with child language skills.”

Association of Parent Training With Child Language Development

Megan Y. Roberts, Philip R. Curtis, Bailey J. Sone (2019)